Why the future is what it is

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Einstein’s Explanation of the Unexplainable

Classical physics is causal; a complete knowledge of the past allows for the precise prediction of the future. Likewise, complete knowledge of the future allows for the prediction of the past.

Not so in Quantum mechanics because the probabilistic interpretation of the wavefunction tells all of the possible futures simultaneously exist before a measurement is made.

This is why a quantum mechanics assumes is all of the futures predicted by the wave function are Superposition or exist in separate quantum states at the same time even AFTER one has become reality in our observational environment.

On the surface these probabilistic and causal definitions of the future appear to be incompatible.

However, that MAY NOT repeat MAY NOT be the case.

As mentioned earlier, what separates the future associated with classical physics from the probabilistic one of quantum mechanics is one tells us All of the probable outcomes of an event EXIST simultaneously while the other hand the one defined by classical physics tells us there is ONLY one.

However, when we role dice in a casino most do not think there are six of them out there waiting for the dice to tell us which one we will occupy after the roll. This is because the probability of getting a six is related to its physical interaction with properties of the table in the casino where it is rolled. This means the probability of getting one is determined by the physical properties of the dice and the casino it occupies. Putting it another way, the probabilities associated with a roll of the dice does not define the future of the casino the casino defines the future of the dice.

Similarly, just because Quantum mechanics defines outcome of observations in terms of probabilities would not mean all of those probable outcome’s exist if they are caused by a physical interaction with the environment it occupies. In other words, like the dice, it is possible the wavefunction does not define the future of its environment the environment defines the future of the wavefunction.

However, to define a reason probabilistic and causal definitions of the future are NOT repeat NOT incompatible one must show how the interaction of quantum system with its environment creates an outcome in terms the observable environment associated with the classical laws of physics. This can be accomplished because both define the evolution of their environments in terms of waves. Putting it another way the evolution of our observable environment can be define in terms of how an electromagnetic wave interacts with it while Quantum mechanics defines of a quantum environment in terms of the mathematical wave properties of the wavefunction.

This commonality suggests wavefunction which defines the evolution of a quantum system MAY be represented by an electromagnetic wave in a classical environment.

This suggests that one could use that commonality to understand how the interaction of quantum system with its environment creates an outcome in terms of the classical laws of physics. This is because classical wave mechanics tell us electromagnetic wave moves through space unless it is prevented from by doing so by someone or something interacting with it. This would result in its energy being confined to three-dimensional space. The science of wave mechanics also tells us the three-dimensional “walls” of this confinement will result in its energy being reflected back on itself thereby creating a resonant or standing wave in three-dimensional space. This would cause its wave energy to be concentrated at the point in space where a particle would be found. Additionally, wave mechanics also tells us the energy of a resonant system, such as a standing wave which this confinement would create can only take on the discrete or quantized values associated with its fundamental or a harmonic of its fundamental frequency. This explains the quantized or particle properties of a quantum existence in terms of the physical properties of the environment it occupies.

Additionally, it tells us that one does not have to assume all of the futures predicted by the wave function are Superposition or simultaneously exist if like the dice mentioned earlier one assumes the wavefunction does not define the future of its environment the environment defines the future of the wavefunction.

Putting it another way, the reason why the future is what it is in a quantum and a classical environment MAY be because the wavefunction does not define the future of its environment its environment defines the future of its wavefunction.

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