Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories

A Theory of Everything

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Quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theories of have been the most successful scientific theories of modern times however; attempts to unify them and define “A Theory of Everything” have been unsuccessful.

This is because there exists an incompatibility between the microscopic universe described by quantum mechanics and the macroscopic universe described by Einstein’s theories regarding the propagation of gravitational forces.
Einstein’s theories define mass and gravity in terms of a curvature in a continuous space-time metric while quantum theory defines energy/mass in terms of the discontinuous properties of particles.  The problem is that when we try to mathematically integrate them infinities arise.

Therefore, even though Quantum mechanics makes very accurate and verifiably predications of the observed quantum properties of mass and Einstein’s theories makes accurate and verifiably predications of the observed properties of gravity, space and time many believe they both cannot be right.

However, many scientists assume that gravity is a subset of the quantum properties of mass because experiments have shown that quantum mechanics makes all the right predictions of the microscopic universe of quantum particles and many regarding the macroscopic universe of relativistic theories.  So much so that physicists largely agree that modern experimental results, combined with quantum theory mathematics, leave little room for alternatives.

Therefore, for the past 50 years many physicists have unsuccessfully tried to develop “Theory of Everything” by assuming that gravity is a subset of the quantum properties of mass instead of assuming the quantum properties of mass are a subset of gravitational force.

For example the article “Why is mass quantized?” Oct. 4, 2007 showed one could derive the quantum mechanical properties of energy/mass in terms of a resonant “system” or structure formed by a matter wave in the continuous field properties of a space-time universe.

Briefly that article showed the four conditions required for resonance to occur in a classical Newtonian environment, an object, or substance with a natural frequency, a forcing function at the same frequency as the natural frequency, the lack of a damping frequency and the ability for the substance to oscillate can be meet in a space-time environment.

The continuous properties of Einstein’s space-time universe would allow a field of energy/mass (the substance) the ability to oscillate thereby fulfilling one of the requirements for classical resonance to occur.

These oscillations would be caused by an event such as the decay of a subatomic particle or the shifting of an electron in an atomic orbital. This would force the “surface” of a three-dimensional space manifold with respect to a fourth *spatial* dimension to oscillate with the frequency associated with the energy of that event.

Therefore, these oscillations in a continuous non-quantized field of energy/mass, would meet the requirements mentioned above for the formation of a resonant system or “structure” in space.

Observations of a three-dimensional environment show the energy associated with resonant system can only take on the incremental or discreet values associated with a fundamental or a harmonic of the fundamental frequency of its environment.

Similarly the energy associated with resonant systems in four *spatial* dimensions could only take on the incremental or discreet values associated a fundamental or a harmonic of the fundamental frequency of its environment.

These resonant systems in a space-time environment would be responsible for the incremental or discreet energy associated with quantum mechanical systems.

In other words it is possible to explain and predict quantum properties of energy/mass in terms of the continuous field properties of the space-time environment Einstein used to derived gravity.

This suggests we may be able to derive a theory of everything if instead of assuming that the continuous properties a space-time environment are a subset of the quantum mechanical properties energy/mass we assuming the quantum mechanical properties of energy/mass are a subset of those continuous properties.

In other words by changing our perspective on fundamental make up of our universe from one of quantized parts to one of a continuous field may allow us to ingrate the world of quantum mechanics into the space time-universe of gravity defined by Einstein thereby allowing us to define a Theory of Everything.

Later Jeff

Copyright Jeffrey O’Callaghan 2008

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