The geometry of a particle wave

Is it possible to define a “reality” behind the quantum world in terms of the classical laws of physics and the space-time environment defined by Einstein? In other words can one use our everyday experiences to understand the irrationality behind many of the assumptions made by quantum mechanics and integrate them into the space-time environment … Read more

Thomson’s double slit experiment in four spatial dimensions

Richard Feynman the farther of Quantum Electrodynamics believed Thomson’s double slit experiment provided a mechanism for understanding the wave particle duality of energy/mass because it clearly demonstrates their inseparability. The wave–particle duality postulates that all particles exhibit both wave and particle properties. A central concept of quantum mechanics, this duality addresses the inability of classical … Read more

The "reality" behind wave—particle duality

Is it possible to define the “reality” behind the quantum world in terms of the classical laws of physics. For example the paradoxical wave–particle behavior of energy/mass, one of the fundamental concepts defining Quantum mechanics defies the “reality” of a classical world because of its inability to describe/define how quantum-scale objects can simultaneously exist as … Read more