Electromagnetism: a new perspective Einstein would have like.

Einstein was often quoted as saying “If a new theory was not based on a physical image simple enough for a child to understand, it was probably worthless.” For example in his General Theory of Relativity he derived the causality of gravity in terms of a curvature in the geometry of space and time. One … Read more

Dark Energy and Ockham’s razor

Ockham’s razor is the idea that, in trying to understand something, getting unnecessary information out of the way is the fastest way to the truth or to the best explanation. For example Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity is based on the relative simple concept of a curvature in a space-time metric.  Granted the math required … Read more

The causality of quantum probabilities or why God must play dice.

Is it possible to define the “reality” behind the quantum world of probabilities in terms of the physical concepts of causality in the space-time environment defined by Einstein?  Quantum theory defines the existence of particles in terms of a mathematically generated probability function created by Schrödinger’s wave equation and assumes that particles do not exist … Read more

Solving the conceptual problems with quantum fields

In relativistic physics a field is defined as a continuous physical quantity that has a value for each point in space and time while Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (QFT) defines particles as excited states of an underlying physical field. However there is a conceptual discontinuity between QFT and its relativistic component because it is based … Read more

A classical interpretation of the complementary principal

Niels Bohr, the founder of quantum mechanics summarized the complementary principal of quantum mechanics as follows: “However far the quantum physical phenomena transcend the scope of classical physical explanation, the account of all evidence must be expressed in classical terms. The argument is simply that by the word “experiment” we refer to a situation where … Read more