The causality of motion

According to Newton’s view, force does not the cause motion but only a change in it and because a freely moving object continues to move inertia and motion in itself needs no causal explanation. However as Gao, Shan points out in on page 29 of his book “God Does Play Dice with the Universe” there … Read more

Compton scattering: A Classical approach

Compton scattering is a type of scattering that X-rays and gamma rays undergo in matter.  The inelastic scattering of photons in matter results in a decrease in energy (increase in wavelength) of an X-ray or gamma ray photon, called the Compton Effect.  Part of the energy of the X/gamma ray is transferred to a scattering … Read more

The relative masses of a proton and electron

We have shown throughout this blog there would be many theoretical advantages to defining space in terms of a continuous non-quantized field of energy/mass and four *spatial* dimensions instead of four dimensional space-time. One is that it would allow one to understand why a proton and an election have different masses even though the absolute magnitude … Read more