Finally, someone found a physical link between the graviton and the photon

Presently the Standard Model of Particle Physics links the quantum properties of the Gravitron with electromagnetism through mathematics  However, for the past 50 years brightest minds in the scientist community have been unable to observe the Gravitron or the particle it assumes it responsible for the force of gravity. Some say this is because it … Read more

Linking gravity to the color charge of quarks

We have shown throughout this blog there would be many theoretical advantages to defining the universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four dimensional space-time. One of them is that it would allow for theoretically defining a common mechanism for gravity and the color charge of quarks by extrapolating observations made in a three-dimensional … Read more

Supersymmetry in four *spatial* dimensions

This blog has shown it is possible to define a universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions in a manner that makes predictions identical with those of Einstein’s General and Special Theories of Relativity by extrapolating observations of three-dimensional environment to a fourth *spatial* dimension while defining the theoretical advantages to adopting this perspective over that … Read more