Dark Energy in four spatial dimensions

In 1998 a force called Dark Energy was discovered when the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) found that, a long time ago, the Universe was actually expanding more slowly than it is today.  In other words its expansion has not been slowing due to gravity, as everyone thought, it has been accelerating. Since then several different … Read more

Particles or fields you cannot have it both ways

Is our universe made up of particles or fields?  On the one hand quantum physics tells that the universe is made up of discrete units of energy/mass while relativistic physics tells us it is composed of a continuous field of space-time Unfortunately these two ideas do not work well together because a continuous field by … Read more

What came before the Big Bang

Is it possible to understand what came before the beginning of our present universe by projecting how matter energy space and time interact in our current universe to a time before it began? We think so. The Big Bang theory postulates the universe emerged from a singularity and is presently expanding from the tremendously hot … Read more

The physical significance of Planck’s constant

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” there would be many theoretical advantages to defining space in terms four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time. One is that it would allow for understanding of the physical significance of Planck’s constant in terms of the laws of … Read more

Faraday’s fields in four *spatial* dimensions

The concept of a field was developed when physicists learned that they could simplify the calculations of the forces involved in planetary motion by assuming or imagining the existence of a continuous gravitational field. They defined this field in such a way that if another planet were put at any point in that field the … Read more