The causality of motion

According to Newton’s view, force does not the cause motion but only a change in it and because a freely moving object continues to move inertia and motion in itself needs no causal explanation. However as Gao, Shan points out in on page 29 of his book “God Does Play Dice with the Universe” there … Read more

The Geometry of Quantum Mechanics

Is it possible to define the physical “reality” of a Quantum field? We think so. Many including Albert Einstein and Erin Schrödinger, had difficulty accepting the “reality” of quantum mechanics because many of its concepts appear to contradict those of our observable universe. For example in a quantum system Schrödinger’s wave equation defines the field … Read more

Will time end?

Does time have an end?  If so when and where will it happen? This question is a difficult to answer definitively because if time does end no one would be able to find the time to tell us it had. How then can we determine if it will? One was is by analyzing what we … Read more

The geometry of Einstein’s Aether

Albert Einstein in the address “Aether and the theory of Relativity” delivered on May 5th 1920 at the University of Leyden Germany indicated that The General Theory of Relativity predicts, “space is endowed with physical qualities”. “Recapitulating, we may say that according to the General Theory of Relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in … Read more

The illusion that is time.

Does time have a physical existence?  If it does why are we not able point to it and say there it is?  If it does not why do physicists define our universe in terms of its physical properties? This question is relevant because Einstein theories, the foundation of modern cosmology are based on the physical … Read more