A classical interpretation of the complementary principal

Niels Bohr, the founder of quantum mechanics summarized the complementary principal of quantum mechanics as follows: “However far the quantum physical phenomena transcend the scope of classical physical explanation, the account of all evidence must be expressed in classical terms. The argument is simply that by the word “experiment” we refer to a situation where … Read more

Gravity or dark energy: which one will win?

Before the discovery of Dark Energy cosmologists had two models of how the universe’s expansion would end. In first scenario, there would be enough matter in the universe to slow the expansion to the point where, like the baseball, it would come to a halt and the gravitational forces associated with it would result in … Read more

Deriving mass without the Higgs Boson

Einstein told us that energy and mass are interchangeable however he did not define what mass is.  He only told us how mass interacts with space-time. As Steven Weinberg said “Mass tells space-time how to curve while space-time tells mass how to move”. However Einstein’s inability to define or derive the casualty of mass is … Read more