The Strong force in four *spatial* dimensions

We have postulated throughout this blog that one can derive all the forces of nature by extrapolating the laws governing a three-dimensional environment to one made up of four *spatial* dimensions. If so one should be able to derive the strong force in those terms. The strong force, also known as the strong interaction, is the … Read more

Resolving the conflict between the photoelectric effect and Maxwell’s wave theory of light

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth Spatial Dimension” there are numerous theoretical advantages to assuming the existence of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time. The ability to define a mechanism which can resolve the conflict between Maxwell’s classical wave theory of light and the quantization … Read more

The geometry of the fundamental particles

As Brian Greene pointed out in his book “The Elegant Universe“, one of the unsolved mysteries of modern particle physics is why every fundamental particle encountered to date can be group into three families. “Physicists have recognized a pattern among these particles displayed in the following table.  The matter particles neatly fall into three groups, … Read more