The relevance of classical mechanics to a quantum environment.

Presently there is disconnect between our understanding of the probabilistic world of quantum mechanics and the classical one of causality because it can predict with precision the future position of an object while the other cannot. However this may just be an illusion resulting from a lack of understanding of the quantum environment. One of … Read more

Infinities: what do they mean for Quantum theory.

Something that is infinite or the quality of having no limits or end cannot exist or be a part of the physically observable environment we live in primarily because it is finite. Some might disagree by pointing out that we cannot know the full extent of our universe because the speed of light puts limits … Read more

The Geometry of Quantum Mechanics

Is it possible to define the physical “reality” of a Quantum field? We think so. Many including Albert Einstein and Erin Schrödinger, had difficulty accepting the “reality” of quantum mechanics because many of its concepts appear to contradict those of our observable universe. For example in a quantum system Schrödinger’s wave equation defines the field … Read more

The physical significance of Planck’s constant

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” there would be many theoretical advantages to defining space in terms four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time. One is that it would allow for understanding of the physical significance of Planck’s constant in terms of the laws of … Read more

Absolute verses relative size

As Michael D Fayer explains in Chapter two of his book “Absolutely Small How Quantum Theory Explains Our Everyday World” the difference between classical and quantum phenomena depend on the definition of size. Classical mechanics assumes size is relative.  In other words we determine if something is big or small by comparing it to something … Read more