A classical explanation of Quantum Superposition

Quantum mechanics defines a particle only in terms of the probabilistic values associated with Schrödinger wave equation and assumes that it exists or is superpositioned in all possible places before a measurement is made. In other words in a quantum system Schrödinger wave equation plays the role of Newtonian laws in that it predicts the … Read more

Explaining the *Reality* of Quantum superposition

We have shown throughout the this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth spatial dimension” there would be many theoretical advantages to assuming space is composed of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four dimensional space-time. One of them is that it would allow for a logical explanation of the superposition principal associated with … Read more

The “Relativity” of a four dimensional Newtonian universe

We have shown throughout this blog that there would be many theoretical advantages to defining the universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four dimensional space- time. One is that it would allow for the theoretical derivation of the relativistic of properties of three-dimensional space and the inertial properties of energy/mass in terms of … Read more