Spectral emissions as an emergent property of space-time

The Balmer series or Balmer lines in atomic physics, is the designation of one of a set of six different spectral emission lines of the hydrogen atom whose energy levels can calculated using an empirical equation discovered by Johann Balmer in 1885. Later Neils Bohr sought to explain them by using the Rutherford model of … Read more

The mathematics of the real world

Mathematics is the primary tool many of today’s science use to define the causality of the physical laws governing of our observable universe. However it is by definition is an abstract creation of the mind and therefore is not physically connected to the observable real world, most of us believe we live in. Therefore, we … Read more

Integrating the Standard Model into Einstein’s gravitational theory

The Higgs Boson which was tentatively confirmed to exist on 14 March 2013 appears to confirm the existence of the Higgs field.  Its discovery is pivotal to the Standard Model and other theories within particle physics because it explains, in terms of an asymmetry created by it why some fundamental particles have mass when the … Read more

The geometry of a particle wave

Is it possible to define a “reality” behind the quantum world in terms of the classical laws of physics and the space-time environment defined by Einstein? In other words can one use our everyday experiences to understand the irrationality behind many of the assumptions made by quantum mechanics and integrate them into the space-time environment … Read more

Should we let our imaginations define reality?

or should we let “reality” define our imagination. Unfortunately many physicists attempt to define reality based solely on what they measure and do not attempt to conceptually integrate those measurements into the realty we see around us. One example can be found in Brian Clegg book Before the Big Bang: The Prehistory of Our Universe … Read more