Mass from first principles

Bohr summarized the complementary principal of quantum mechanics as follows: “However far the quantum physical phenomena transcend the scope of classical physical explanation, the account of all evidence must be expressed in classical terms. The argument is simply that by the word “experiment” we refer to a situation where we can tell others what we … Read more

Reformulating space-time

History has shown the advantages to reformulating or expanding an existing theory or law to a wider environment. For example Kepler’s Laws are wonderful as a description of the motions of the planets.  However, they provide no explanation of why the planets move in that way.  Moreover, Kepler’s Third Law only works for planets orbiting … Read more

The reality of our “mathematical worlds”

Is there such a thing as a mathematical world? All forms of mathematics are abstract by definition. However scientists feel that it can be used to extract, by quantification the underlying essence of a physical environment and thereby eliminate any dependence on real world objects with which it might originally have been connected. Many of … Read more

Mass, inertia, and the Higgs Boson

We have shown through this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth spatial dimension” there are would be many theoretical advantages to defining the universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four dimensional space-time. One is that it would allow physicists to define a particles mass and inertia by using one’s … Read more

Mathematical verses observational reality

There are three fundamental ways science uses mathematics and observations to understand the reality of our world.  The first involves developing a mathematical description by directly observing how its components interact. For example, Isaac Newton developed his law of gravity by observing the movement of planets and realizing that they could be understood by assuming … Read more