Why does space exist?

The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Quantum Mechanics give us a plausible reason why particles are what they are while Einstein theories give a reasonable answer to the question regarding why they come together to form planets stars and how they move in relation to each other. For example both Einstein’s General Theory of … Read more

The observer effect in quantum mechanics: a classical interpretation

One of the weirdness aspect of a quantum environment is that the act of observation defines its reality. For example as long as you are not actually observing an electron, its behavior is that of a wave of probability however moment you do it is becomes a particle.  But as soon as you are not … Read more

The dual realities of quantum mechanics: a classical explanation

Bohr summarized his complementary perspective on reality as follows:…”however far the [quantum physical] phenomena transcend the scope of classical physical explanation, the account of all evidence must be expressed in classical terms. The argument is simply that by the word “experiment” we refer to a situation where we can tell others what we have done … Read more

The “reality” of the Big Crunch

Astrophysicists  have identified three possible fates for the universe, one is called the Big Crunch, where gravity takes over and begins to pull the cosmos back, compressing to one point.  Another is the Big Rip, where the accelerative forces associated with Dark Energy causes it to expand at an every increasing rate until the galaxies, … Read more

Why the “Big Rip” cannot happen

Recent results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) confirmed that the universe is mainly made of “Dark Energy” thought to be responsible for the current acceleration of its expansion.  But what would happen if the rate of acceleration remained constant or increased with time?  The answer according to some is a “Big Rip” in … Read more