What is the origin of kinetic energy and why should we care?

What is the origin of kinetic energy and why should we care? Einstein was able to define the origins of gravity and potential energy associated with rest mass in terms of curvature or the changing geometry of a space-time manifold but he did not tell us anything about the causality of kinetic energy. For example … Read more

Dark Energy in four *spatial* dimensions

In 1998 the Hubble Space Telescope when observing distant supernovae discovered that the Universe was expanding more slowly in the past than it is today. In other words the Universe has not been slowing due to gravity, as everyone thought, it has been accelerating.  No one expected this, no one knew how to explain it. … Read more

Why the is universe flat?

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” it is possible to define a universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions in a manner that makes predictions identical with those of Einstein’s General and Special Theories of Relativity while defining the theoretical advantages to doing so. … Read more