Scientific irrationality: is it really necessary?

Have you ever wondered why so many seeming rational scientists make irrational assumptions to explain why our universe behaves the way it does and why Einstein was unable see, as Robert Oerter pointed out in his book “The Theory of Almost Everything: the magic of Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics or QED. He tells us the reason … Read more

Why does space exist?

The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Quantum Mechanics give us a plausible reason why particles are what they are while Einstein theories give a reasonable answer to the question regarding why they come together to form planets stars and how they move in relation to each other. For example both Einstein’s General Theory of … Read more

The geometry of antimatter

The existence of antimatter was predicted by Paul Dirac when he realized his relativistic quantum theory of an electron yielded up twice as many solutions as he thought he needed. Two of the solutions correspond to the spin-up and spin-down orientations of the electron. So what did the other two solutions correspond to?  He had … Read more

Inertial geometry What is it?

We have shown throughout this blog and its companion book “The Reality of the Fourth *Spatial* Dimension” that there are many advantages to redefining Einstein space-time universe in terms of four *spatial* dimensions. One is that it could allow for the development of a theoretical link between gravity, mass and inertia in terms of interactions … Read more