Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories

Quantum gravity and the Theory of Everything

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The effort to unify all of the forces and laws of nature or find a “Theory of Everything” has primarily focused on explaining gravity in terms of the concepts contained in quantum mechanical field theories.

However, it is unfortunate that some have not made an effort to find it in terms of its continuous properties instead of its quantum mechanical ones.

We observe that all particles have mass, which is associated with gravitational force.  However, for the past century the brightest minds of the scientific community have been unable to define how this force can be propagated by a particle using the current quantum mechanical paradigms.  Additionally, even with the recent advancements in observational technologies, no one has observed the graviton or particle that many feel is responsible for the propagation of gravitational forces.

However, the fact that we have been unable to define a unifying mechanism either mathematically or conceptually for the observed quantum mechanical and gravitational properties of nature in terms of the current paradigms may not be due to their theoretical structure but to how we are attempting to integrate them.

For example, the fundamental assumption of Quantum mechanics is that energy/mass is contained in discrete irreducible units or packets of energy/mass called quarks andleptons.

However, the graviton or particle many physics associated with gravitational force has not, as mentioned earlier been observed.  Some feel that this is due to the fact our instruments are not yet advance enough to detect it but it could also be because gravitational force is not propagated by a particle but by a continuous geometric property of energy/mass.

We have shown throughout this blog  that observations of our environment suggest that it would be possible to unify the quantum mechanical properties of energy/mass with the continuous properties of gravity if one assume the existence of four *spatial* dimensions instead of four-dimensional space-time.

In the article “Defining gravity” Dec. 15, 2007 it was shown that one can theoretically derive the relativistic properties of motion, space, time, gravity and the fact that it is equivalent to an accelerated reference frame in terms of a continuous geometric property of four *spatial* dimensions in a manner that makes predictions identical to those made in “The General and Special Theories of Relativity”.

While in the article “Why is mass and energy quantized?” Oct. 4, 2007 it was shown that one can derive the quantum mechanical properties of energy/mass by extrapolating the laws of resonance in a classical three-dimensional environment to a matter wave on a “surface” of a three-dimensional space manifold with respect to a fourth *spatial* dimension.

Briefly it showed the four conditions required for resonance to occur in a classical Newtonian environment, an object, or substance with a natural frequency, a forcing function at the same frequency as the natural frequency, the lack of a damping frequency and the ability for the substance to oscillate spatial would be meet in one consisting of four *spatial* dimensions.

(In an earlier “The geometry of quarks” Mar. 15, 2009 it was shown how and why quarks join together to form these resonant systems in terms of the geometry of four *spatial* dimensions.)

The existence of four *spatial* dimensions would give the “surface” of three-dimensional space the ability to oscillate with respect to it thereby fulfilling one of the requirements for classical resonance to occur.

These oscillations would be caused by an event such as the decay of a subatomic particle or the shifting of an electron in an atomic orbital.  This would force the “surface” of a three-dimensional space manifold with respect to a fourth *spatial* dimension to oscillate with the frequency associated with the energy of that event.

However, these oscillations in four *spatial* dimensions would, if one extrapolates the laws of three-dimensional space to it generate a resonant system or “structure” in it.  These resonant systems are what defined a particle in the article “Why is mass and energy quantized?

This cannot be done in terms of four-dimensional space-time because time or a space-time dimension is only observed to move in one direction forwards and therefore could not support the bi-directional spatial movement required to establish classical resonance.

However, as mentioned earlier the article “Defining gravity” showed one can derive the properties of gravity in terms of a continuous geometric properties of four *spatial* dimensions while the article “Why is mass and energy quantized?” showed that one can derive the quantum mechanical properties of energy/mass in terms of a resonant system with that same geometry.

This suggest as mentioned earlier that one may be able to define a theory of everything by assuming that the quantum mechanical properties of energy/mass are a result of the continuous geometric properties of four *spatial* dimensions instead of assuming that the continuous properties of gravity and space are a result of the quantum properties of energy/mass

Later Jeff

Copyright Jeffrey O’Callaghan 2010

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