The true age of the universe

Physics is an observational science and therefore we must be careful to base our theoretical models directly on observations and not allow the members of our community to ignore them when submitting their theories. For example, many feel the most reliable way to determine the age of the universe is by measuring its expansion rate … Read more

Our non-accelerating universe.

One of the biggest problems is cosmology is accurately determining how far distance objects are away from us. In 1998 researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity when they discovered a discrepancy in apparent brightness of light from type 1A supernovae, which exploded billions of years ago suggested that it had traveled a greater distance … Read more

The Reality of the Quantum Universe

Quantum mechanics defines the position of all particles in the universe only in terms of the probabilistic values associated with Schrodinger’s wave equation.  In other words, it tells us that because they are defined in terms probabilities they are randomly distributed throughout the entire universe before being observed.  However, Einstein disagreed.  He felt one could … Read more

What Newton’s Bucket tell us about space, acceleration and velocity.

Is it an intrinsic property of space that cause velocities to make sense only by saying that this is moving with respect to something while accelerations or changes in velocity don’t require comparisons to give them meaning? Newton came to conclusion it was based an experiment involving a bucket of water. Greene, Brian describes his … Read more