The casualty of time.

Understanding what time is and its causality is not easy in part because it is something that cannot be seen or touched.  For example some define it only in the abstract saying that is an invention of the human consciousness that gives us a sense of order, a before and after so to speak.  In … Read more

Quantum energy distribution: a classical interpretation

Einstein was often quoted as saying “If a new theory was not based on a physical image simple enough for a child to understand, it was probably worthless.” For example one can easily understand how the curvature in space-time can be the causality of gravitational forces in terms of the physical image of a marble … Read more

The dual realities of quantum mechanics: a classical explanation

Bohr summarized his complementary perspective on reality as follows:…”however far the [quantum physical] phenomena transcend the scope of classical physical explanation, the account of all evidence must be expressed in classical terms. The argument is simply that by the word “experiment” we refer to a situation where we can tell others what we have done … Read more

Spectral emissions as an emergent property of space-time

The Balmer series or Balmer lines in atomic physics, is the designation of one of a set of six different spectral emission lines of the hydrogen atom whose energy levels can calculated using an empirical equation discovered by Johann Balmer in 1885. Later Neils Bohr sought to explain them by using the Rutherford model of … Read more

A classical interpretation of the wave function collapse

Quantum mechanics assumes that a particle is in a superposition of several states or positions based on the mathematical properties of Schrödinger’s wave equation before an observation is made.  It also assumes that when it is observed it collapses resulting the particle it represents having a single or unique position. When the Copenhagen interpretation was … Read more