4 spatial dimensions and A Theory of Everything

One cannot deny that Quantum mechanics, the theory that defines the tiny world of particles and Einstein’s theories, the one that defines what we see through a telescope have been the most successful scientific theories of modern times However, attempts to bring these two theories together and define "A Theory of Everything" have been unsuccessful. … Read more

The source of Dark Energy

Dark energy appears to contradict many of our ideas about the way the universe works.  For example, light waves move energy though emptiness of space while Einstein’s equation, E = mc2, tells us that matter and energy are interchangeable, merely different forms of the same thing. However, energy is supposed to have a source either … Read more

Time is a force more powerful than those of a black hole

because it can stop the collapse of matter no matter how massive an object is. Einstein told us a gravitational field causes time to dilate and in 1915,Karl Schwarzschild proposed based on Einstein theories the gravitational field of a star greater than approximately 2.0 times a solar mass would stop the movement of time.  Additionally, … Read more

Defining the potential energy of space

In the early 1990s, one thing was fairly certain about the expansion of the universe. It might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and recollapse, it might have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding, but gravity was certain to slow the expansion as time went on. However, in 1998 … Read more